Collaboration Opportunities

How To Collaborate
Our mission of enabling epigenomics driven discoveries is accomplished in part through collaborative projects between the Center and investigators at UC San Diego and beyond. There are several ways researchers can engage in research with the Center.
I. Epigenomics Collaborative Research Program
Our collaborative research program brings together external researchers with scientists at the Center for Epigenomics to answer important questions through application of epigenomic concepts and technologies such as high-throughput ATAC-seq and single-cell ATAC-seq. The goal of this program is to leverage the unique experience and expertise of each participant to create new and impactful research opportunities.
The Center for Epigenomics considers new collaborations for this program on a case-by-case basis. These projects can be funded through a variety of mechanisms including joint grant applications, subcontracts, and campus recharge. If interested in exploring a potential collaboration or joint grant application, contact Dr. Allen Wang.
II. Annual Transformative Collaborative Pilot Project Initiative
Each year the Center for Epigenomics issues a call for proposals to engage in collaborative pilot projects with truly transformative potential. These proposals are reviewed by an external committee, and a select number are chosen to receive substantial material and personnel resources from the Center for Epigenomics.
III. Epigenomics Services
Our automated technology platforms enable cost-effective workflows to incorporate epigenomics into a variety of research projects. In some cases, we can offer epigenomic assays on a fee-for-service basis. Please note that currently only ATAC-seq is available as a service. To inquire further, send an email to
Not sure which program is right for your research question?
Contact us at to schedule a short consultation to discuss ways the Center for Epigenomics can help.