Cancer Biology, Informatics & Omics Trainee Requirements
Cancer Biology, Informatics & Omics Training Overview
Mentored Research
CBIO trainees each have a primary mentor and a secondary co-mentor.
CBIO trainees and their mentors determine the overall length of research training.
CBIO requires a minimum of 2 years of research training.
Research projects must be cancer relevant, with tranlstional potential. Research approaches must include application and/or development of informatics tools and omics technology.
Graduate-level courses on Cancer Biology (BIOM256), Quantitative Genomics (BIOM262), and Bioinformatics (CSE283) offered by UCSD.
Applied Bioinformatics Certificate Program offered by UCSD Extension.
Cancer Genomics Journal Club (MED278):
30 weekly journal clubs per year,
60 over the two-year training program.
Molecular Tumor Board Meetings:
10 meetings a year,
20 over the 2-year training program.
30 seminars a year,
60 over the two-year training program with choices of seminars offered by Departments (CMM, Bioinformatics) and ORUs (IGM, MCC).
CBIO Monthly Scientific Meetings:
10 meetings a year,
20 meetings over the 2-year training program.
CBIO Annual Retreat: 2 retreats over the 2-year training program.
Required Career Development Activities
Career Development workshops offered by the BMS graduate program (BIOM234) and the UCSD Postdoctoral Association.
Individual Development Plan (IDP): annual updates and discussions with primary mentors.
Fellowship Applications: with mentoring by CBIO faculty in addition to research mentors.
Presenting at National or International Scientific Meetings: with travel support from CBIO.
Training in Responsible Conduct of Research, Rigor and Reproducibility
Graduate-level courses on Scientific Ethics with refresher courses and workshops in scientific ethics.
Graduate-level course on Statistics (BIOM285) and Rigor and Reproducibility Workshop.
University of California Online Learning Center Courses on Laboratory Safety, Biohazards, Waste & Fraud, Sexual Harassment, Cyber Security, Conflict of Interest, Blood Borne Pathogens, Animal Use and Care, with required annual refreshers.